Yankees gay pride hat

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The $50,000 Yankees-Stonewall Scholars Initiative. The team says details on other events celebrating WorldPride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising will be rolled out in the weeks ahead, but the team confirmed that as of press time, it’s not labeling any events as “Pride Night.” “The events leading up to and including the June 25th game are designed to shine a light on the LGBT community using layers of activation, designed to support and showcase diversity and inclusion,” Jason Zillo, Yankees spokesperson, told Outsports by phone. The team’s plan is to award $50,000 in scholarships at an event next month at the Stonewall Inn and honor the recipients and other LGBTQ dignitaries at a pre-game ceremony on June 25.

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The New York Yankees officially kicked off its tribute to the LGBTQ community Wednesday with a meeting at Yankee Stadium between its foundation, New York City education officials and representatives from the Stonewall Inn.

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